Old Drawing Board

I'm back to the old drawing board. Waiting for 6am to send the last report for the day. I just starting a book. It's actually an old book which I just bought a copy for myself. It is "the little prince" by Antoine de Saint Exupery.
I read this when I was 14 years old but I happen to overlook the best thing about this book. The wonderful meaning of it that would just made you realize that life is not as complicated if you're going to look at it in a child's perspective. That you can enjoy life more if your going to think basic. It would be simplier if you are looking in a plain white paper than looking in a paper with a lot of lines. I used to ask advise from my mom's friend dad. And he will always answer me, go back to basic and you will see the reason where things began. You will soon realize how simple things are...
I need that! Life's have been complicated since I stepped in a ladder of adulthood. Sometimes, even how I see things in a simplier perspective, it's will always be as complicated as it is. It's not like before when I used to think of myself alone! I just want to get out of our house. Be with friends... drink till sunrise and just enjoy! I'm not a party maniac... I just want to sit down and talk. I enjoy talking to a sensible person... That's when i decided to be an adult. Choosing people who were sensible. Which unconciously is not good in my spirit of youth. Like The Little Prince author said, if you think like an adult you will not apprecaite things like his drawing of a boa digesting an elephant inside and out but if you are going to think as an innocent child, you might say, cool! How's that happen? and the endless conversation will start...
Sappy... I feel lonely thinking that I decided to be an adult earliest in my life...

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